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Proposal For The Formation Of The Poecilia/Guppy/Livebearer


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Poecilia Society Formation. (Undecided)

We need some motivation here to get things on the move, and from looking at the preceding posts it looks as though there are almost twenty interested members.

Cees has explained that he does not have the time to organise the formation of the society, so if it is to go ahead, we need some positive communication from all concerned in order to get the basics set up so that we can move ahead.

The nominations for committee members/treasurer/sec and so forth cannot really be discussed on the open forum here, as we need a separate place to discuss and arrange all this.

The Poecilia forum link just leads back to here, and at the moment is not a member’s only area. This could happen in the future, but as Cees points out, his main interests are in being a part of the new formation, and not actually organising the setting up of it.

Setting up a separate forum entirely for the Poecilia NZ Society would possibly be the answer, and could have a direct link back to here.

These forums are free, and take only a short time to set up and get online.

Some are ad free, while others carry the Google sponsored links, but these links are unobtrusive, and once posts are made will mainly be fish related.

Their servers are usually based offshore, as our present one at the Fishroom possibly is, but this would not effect us in the least, as it would be just a click from one to the other. Possibly Cees could arrange a link to the new area at the head of this forum so that the two sites are still active on your screen at home, which would make going from one to the other easier still.

We could have such a forum set up within a day or so and possibly use the existing graphics that are on the present Poecilia site at the moment.

This would take the strain away from Cees, and allow all dealings with the new society to be kept in a separate area.

Mention of this was made elsewhere and it was suggested that a separate forum might be a waste of time with so few members.

This may be so in the early stages, but once the society is known and the word spreads, then hopefully it will attract new members and overseas visitors.

Why a separate forum..?

1/ Less work and worry for Cees.

2/ It would give us a self identity, much like all the other clubs and societies in NZ

3/ It would give us unlimited space to create the areas needed for such a task, such as Line Breeding,.. Inbreeding,.. Outbreeding,.. Genetics,... Fixing Colour,.. Fin/Tail Improvements,... Guppy Standards,... Pic Gallery,.. Articles,.. and much more.

We could do this on the present forum, but without a separate area it would be very hard to keep track of what was happening.

4/ We can “all†be involved in this, from the name to the setting up of the forums, down to the general outlook of the site, along with committee selection , site promotion and so forth, as hopefully we could get some overseas breeders to visit the site.

5/ This would be almost instant… and the society or whatever it will be finally named, could be up and running in a very short time.

6/ We would not deprive the NZ Fishroom of any members or posts, as the ones on the new forum would be mainly concerned with the improvement and breeding of the Livebearers, and the general questions on these would still be aimed at the NZFR.

7/ We would still be part of the FNZAS, and hopefully be able to produce a monthly newsletter, which to save costs could be electronic only.

These are just a few of the things that need to be worked out, but in order to get things moving we need some positive feedback so that we can make it happen.

Several attempts have been made to get the society on the move for quite some time now, but all discussions seem to slowly dwindle to a standstill.

This way we would have a completely new area that we can organise things in, but yet still be in close reach to our home base here, and it could be set up very quickly.

Opinions and feedback would be helpful.


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Hi Mystic,

I am a member and have not received the form you guys have been talking about.

With all the confusion, you were possibly not the only one that didn't get one. I didn't send the forms out BTW.

At this stage there is little point in having the form until such times as we all know what the future of the society will be.

If I am not needed here I will gladly find another (If there is one! lol).

Can't see your point in saying this Mystic.. We are all wanted here.

As I have stated before - I do webdesign - and would love to help.

As my message mentioned...

We can “all†be involved in this, from the name to the setting up of the forums, down to the general outlook of the site, along with committee selection , site promotion and so forth, as hopefully we could get some overseas breeders to visit the site.

This would not be a standard web page type design, as these type of forums are of a fixed format, but almost all will allow inclusion of graphical type headings, much like this forum.

I would like to know who is who and wat is wat under this association.

Wouldn't we all Mystic :)

Again from below...

The nominations for committee members/treasurer/sec and so forth cannot really be discussed on the open forum here, as we need a separate place to discuss and arrange all this.

You ask:

I am only still new to this Livebearer Breeding - so please - give me the information on how I can help..

You are helping, and have done so with some relevant questions, but until we get some feedback on what we need, and a place to organise it, then there is little we can do.


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Ok, I have created a message board on http://poecilia.net.nz/ . I needed to test a new script anyway and this could be a good place for it.

1) you need to log in with your poecilia.net.nz username and password here http://poecilia.net.nz/index.php?id=7 . (FNZAS and poecilia.net.nz usernames are not linked)

2) please note the following. Anyone can register and anyone registered can than see that message board. registration approval is automatic at moment. I think the first point of business should be a discussion about membership and whether and how to convert registration (of interested) to 'membership'.


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