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Need help with planted tank


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Hi I'm going to be doing my first low tech planted tank and I'm planning on putting dwarf cichlids few tetras and something else I'm basically wanting a Bio type and can get driftwood etctank will be standard 2foot and lighting is a brand-new AA. PL mix light it's very bright

I have Java fern but am useless with plants so any help would be great

so what do I basically need?besides heater and all that?

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Need? Being low tech, I would have thought nothing.

I have never used fancy substrates, fertiliser, specialised lights or anything and have an abundance of plant growth. Go for the basic plants the lfs label as "bunch plants" and you should be fine. Also make sure your gravel is deep enough for the plant roots to establish well. I suggest 5cm or more.

Anything red needs stronger light, although my red rotala is going nuts again under very old plain daylight fluorescents :roll:

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i geuss by low tech im meaning what you have caryl i just want a basic amazon kind of them with rams or whatever but have no idea how to go about this.

im africans so all others besides guppies angels discus and goldfish im new too.

would be great to have a set up like antwans ram tank

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