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Finrot, white spot + a fungus? please help


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Formalin is cancer causing so I always use gloves. Most goldfish breeders use it. I have been increasing the air too. I have never used it before for tropicals except for the one case of finrot in an angel - should go and check him now that you have reminded me.

It was quite hot last summer at times but did not have one incident of white spot. Weird really.

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:( I went to work today, when I came home the Pleco looks so sad, his eyes have got what looks like blisters on them....really worried about him, doesn't look good at all! :(




If I up the temp to 30 in the tank, will the plec and angels be OK...I have a 2ft long air stone running in the tank, will this be enough bubbles?

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The pleco is looking so much better :D

He is moving about and all of the spots have gone from his underside....he even had some in his mouth, which are now gone aswell.

He still has some on his upper body...but I am pleased with his progress :D Thanks for all the advice on him.....hopefully the angels will respond as well


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