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Priming a Eheim 2215 filter

Modern Angl

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Next is the priming of the filter, which a lot of people have trouble with. Assuming that the filter is empty and clean, make sure that the outlet pipe is completely free from any water as this will stop the priming of the filter. (Even if there is water in that bit of pipe that goes into the tank, you know the bit that has the U bend in). Now leave off the outlet pipe which comes off the filter box and with all taps on (if taps are fitted) give the outlet a good suck, (a spare piece of pipe helps with this). Then when you hear that the water is flowing into the filter box, you can put the outlet pipe back on.

done that, all thats going through the filter is a very small amount of water, think dripping tap amount..... there is no water pressure, at all....

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I have filled it up with water first, would have been there all day trying to suck the water through otherwise :)

I'll leave it running for a couple of hours and see if it builds up the water pressure. Anothr update later(from my prison cell where the police put me after throwing said filter off the highest building in wellington.... :)

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Although our tanks are internally plumbed, I don't think there would be any difference. The seals stay on in the new models so vaseline should not be required. I hope you have got the taps turned on, they should be in an up and down position rather than to the side.Here we go in plain english LOL:

Connect hose to the bottom outlet and plug in.

You will hear the water going into the filter.

Have a bucket ready and place thumb over end of tap connected to the top of the filter for a few seconds. This will help get the air out.

Aim the hose into the bucket and the water should start pouring out. This will also get rid of air.

Turn off tap and connect to hose.


If it is noisy it may still have air in the filter. You can shake the cannister back and forth a few times and the air should connect.

There should be no problem with the impellor or shaft in a new filter. Be very careful when you go to clean this area out in a few months time that you don't break the impellor. They are made of ceramics and break easily. They are really the only thing that may need replacing over the next twenty years. If you have any more problems give Steve a ring on 0800 347 443. He will be home in about half an hour.

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MA, take it back to Animates and ask them to try it out on their plant tank, then you will see how to get it going and whether there is a problem with it. there shouldnt be this sort of problem.

Take it back and make them help you! poor thing, what a pain! they are great filters once working though!

good luck


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I took the top of the canister off, the bit with the motor and whatnot in it, I filled a sink with water, sat it in the sink and pulgged it in and lo and behold water came out of the outlet on the top, and quite fast too, so there is nothing wrong with the motor / pump whatsoever.

I think I've managed to isolate the problem, the water inlet at the bottom of the canister isn't letting any water in, which does explain why its doing feck all, looking at it, it does seem very narrow and not likely to let very much water through anyway. anyone had problems with water not getting into the canister?


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Haven't had that problem before. Have you got the grill at the bottom of the cannister (legs down allowing room for water to come in)before putting in the media? You are right that the inlet isn't overly large but they always work really well and made to fit the hose. Maybe push a bottle brush through to make sure it isn't blocked.

Hummingbird the hose does tend to collect algae but they are easily replaced. Eheim hose is available and the filters come with quite alot.

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