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i have a dwarf Gromi that has white around it's mouth that appeared over night. I've read somewhere else on here that mouthfungus? can be treated with Malkon. I don't have any of this but heap's of curex and malafix. I'm going to get some aquaflavine this afternoon and I will mot likely have to get some Malkon as well now. It seems like I'm becoming a bit of a chemist. Interesting to read that cat worm pills will work to treat intestinal parasite. Can I use this on my comunity tank as I have Angles and Pleco that have this problem and all else has failed. In the tank are tetars, red tail shark, guppies danios, kuli's. My partners is telling me that I have to slow down/stop getting more tanks. I have 5 now and I'm cleaning the sleepout up so I can start breeding (the fish) as there's no room inside and now I don't have a tank for sick fish.

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Thanks for the reply. My partner came home with Furne 2 (turns water Green) which is for the treatment of cotton mouth and others. Could use Aquafline or Malkon I'm told so have fully stocked chemist at home now. What a great site your link was. Discus sites have so much info, if they could only give a break down of the strains ie pigeon blood, snake head etc etc etc. Just to many names, didn't stop me from getting 9 the other day. Cobalt, Red turqu and Red eagle. The reb eagle are tops with the best colour and shape.

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