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Peoples' choice.....of fertiliser


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Slowly getting back into planted aquarium after 1-2 years break and was wondering what people use for fert these days? I'm an "old school" Flourish Excel user, used in conjunction with a CO2 delivery system, but always looking for something new and different to try.


Why would you use flourish excel and CO2 injection?

Excel is a carbon substitute which does the same as CO2.

What you need are macro and micro nutrient dosing such as a comprehensive PMDD, along with a nutrient rich substrate.

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I've just purchased KNO3 + KH2SO4 + Aquatic Trace Mix from stockers hydroponics supply. I purchased 1kg bags of each for around $60 total. I reckon that it will last me years and will be much much cheaper than buying proprietary products. I also add MgSO4 and CaCO3 to raise my GH and provide magnesium and Calcium (this in combination with pressurised CO2 seems to get rid of algae quick smart). I previously used to mix up my own PMDD type solution and add daily to my tank but this time I have started using EI (estimative index) after reading a very simple explanation by Mr EI (Tom Barr) http://www.barrreport.com/showthread.php/2819-EI-light-for-those-less-techy-folks.

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