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Peppered cory - long dorsal fin


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Hi all!

Hope this works, haven't been on here in a few years so I hope I can get these pics to post (if so, excuse quality, still not good at taking pics :oops: ).

I have 4 peppered corys in a 10 gallon tank. I'm hoping that you will see how the dorsal fin of this one is really long. He was hiding of course so I couldn't get a better picture. It has been like this for years now and other than the long fin, no problems. I was wondering if anyone has seen this before?

Thanks :P




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Thanks Ira :thup:

Oh my gosh...I just googled them and in one of the pics, the dorsal fin looks exactly like my cory! I would have purchased him/her as a peppered cory and when bought it just had a dorsal fin like the others. I didn't think the long fin was a problem as he/she always appears healthy and no reason to think otherwise.

Caper :P

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