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My turtle died changing tank to guppies


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:digH: Poor turtle died of old age hes now burried in the rose garden so he has something nice to look at

The tank is one of the old style 3 foot ones on a stand with a ramp in it

Can i leave the ramp in it, I was going to use it to breed guppies

And obviously I have to clean it right out including the gravel aye

And then leave it goin for a few weeks and slowly add stock

Does anyone have any cheap or free guppies to get me started im in waterview i dont mind paying postage

Thank you. I want to get some good stock to start me off

What can i put in with the guppies that wont eat the babies??? i have platys in another tank and one massive very angry jaws like angel fish thats in another tank ! talk about jaws

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Red ears can live 30 years.

You can leave the ramp there.

Any fish bigger than the fry will eat them. The idea is to have lots of fine leaved plants in which the fry can hide. Water sprite, Java moss, ambulia and cabomba are all ideal.

It will need to be cleaned thoroughly I suspect but no need to leave it running for weeks before adding fish.

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I have in my community tank: Platinum Gourami, Guppies (LOTS), Swordtails, and Neon Tetras, and a baby bristlenose (don't want to add the parents until the plants have grown a lot more, and establish good roots).

The Platinum's have been seen to eat the fry whole. Guppy fry are either fast or dead.

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Sorry for your loss...did you have the turtle a long time?

Take care,


I had the turtle at least 15 years and he was full size when I got him so he must of been in his 20s poor old thing I miss him

I dont miss cleaning the filter everyweek thou :P

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I have in my community tank: Platinum Gourami, Guppies (LOTS), Swordtails, and Neon Tetras, and a baby bristlenose (don't want to add the parents until the plants have grown a lot more, and establish good roots).

The Platinum's have been seen to eat the fry whole. Guppy fry are either fast or dead.

I will make sure i plant it well, I use to have guppy fry and sell them on trademe out of my 2 foot tank and ended up with 100s

But i depleted my stock and only have one guppy left the last lot i got from the bird barn died in a few weeks

I never seen any of my guppies eat their babies before but i did see the plays do that lol

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