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Kribensis Fry!!


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I have successfully raised 2 batches of krib fry by removing the parents from the breeding tanks, as long as the tanks are reasonably small, say 8-10 gallons and are bare bottom, (so the fry can find the food easier). I don't feed them for a few days after they are free swimming as they usually just peck at the sponge filter, then I just start feeding them that cheap liquifry food you can buy anywhere and have had a 90% + fry survival rate.

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I agree, easier to raise fry on their own in a smaller tank. (makes PWC's a lot easier)

if you can afford it live brineshrimp naupili are one of the best foods for while their small.

also had a lot of success (and very good growth rates) with crushed discus pellets.

only prob is finding homes....

maybe a really big tank with heaps of plants and rocks and then you could keep them all!!! (Takashi Amano did a tank like that its in his nature aquariums book.

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