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urgenlty need cycled media - Hamilton (east)


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I bought a 2nd hand 300L tank that came with 2 Oscars , 2 Plecos (1 has been re-homed) and a silver dollar. The filter / pump was DOA and had to be replaced , I got the wrong pump, I have the correct filter now, I made another beginner mistake of not keeping the gravel as is , the water and gravel was really bad, so I ended up ditching the water , and going without gravel for a while, then I cleaned the gravel with boiling water and put it back, this helped fix the ammonia problem.

I'm battling, as one of the Oscar is sick. He's always the first to stress and last to recover , now he's actually sick (that story here http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=58020&start=15) . I'm using Nitra-Zorb pouches in the filters to manage the Nitrate and Nitrite. But this will slow down the the cycling so it's only a band-aid.

I'm looking for some cycled media that can use in Ehieme Classic 350 filter, to help stabilize the tank so that I can reduce the water changes and stress on the fish.


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