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Sick Oscar - White bump on top of head


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Definitely looks like fungus which is an opportunistic infection that invades the tissues when the slime layer is breached and the skin damaged in a sick fish. It's not contagious if it's SAPROLEGNIA as those spores are everywhere already. The herbal medications you're using might help it developing in the others, but won't really treat this boy. And you want to avoid a secondary bacterial infection.

My suggestion is to divide into 2 what ever filter material you have in your 75L tank filter ( unless Karina is offering live filter wool? ), and put that into your 100L filter. Use that in your spare tank with this sick oscar with water from the original tank. And treat with malachite green or similar, and keep up the daily PWCs in both tanks.

Hopefully others with experience will chime in.

Thanks for the advise.

I would have used the wool from my other but my gouramis have been loosing scales , I treated with the same meds and as what I'm using for the Oscar tank, just finished a weeks treatment, They are swimming around fine and eating but looks like they have lost a few more missing. I don't want to transfer any active diseases.

I'm going to move him to a 50L bucket and treat him there.

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