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Recommended return pump size?


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Hi All,

Just wondering how to figure out the best return pump size/model for my marine system?

I have a 300L main tank and 100L sump, the drain is 2x 32mm (1 @ 90% and the other 10%)

The return will be through 1 x 24mm hole and 24mm tubing, then split into a Y shaped loc-line piece into the tank.

HFF recommended a Eheim 1260 (http://www.hollywoodfishfarm.co.nz/detail/view/eheim-1260/m/960/), which seems a little steep considering I can get a 3000L/H no name brand pump for $40 from AquaWorld.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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i would of reccommended the same pump.

cheaper no name pumps often do not have the same head height as the eheim, so therefore your "$40 no name pump" may do 3000l/hr but at a 0metre height. @ 1m for example it may have dropped to 2000ltr where as the eheim may be 2100ltr @1.6m considering the eheim has a 3.7m total head. these figures are plucked from thin air but i hope it gives you an example of flow vs height.

also what is the warrenty of the "no name pump" i know the eheims that are running on my coral tank are yet to fail me, almost 4 years old and only cleaned once a year :oops: , (compact 600, compact 2000 and compact 5000) i also run a needle wheel skimmer pump, also going strong.

in this hobby, sometimes you really do get what you pay for, some will agree and some will disagree.

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