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fire coral


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There is a news flash. *said with heavy sarcastic tone*

The pain from some fire coral stings can be so bad that before they knew that vinigar can help nutralise it there were cases of people taking aputation over leaving the pain, which can last for months.


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OK, those sensitive individuals i apologise in advance but I thought you guys might like a funny storey I heard from some american tourists....

They were out diving on a boat and the lady got stung by a jelly fish. Well Pies is right, vinegar does work. But alas the dive boat had no vinegar! And the locals (whom I under stood to have a very poor grasp of English) weren'ty much help. So many miles off shore, and not requiring amputation, hubby was pressed to provide a "suitable alternative" to the vineagr. So off he raced to the gally, grabbed a coffee cup, ducked into the head (the proper name for a loo on a boat! ) A short time later he returned with a coffe cup full of, shall we say, "yellow liquid" and he proceded to quench the burning.

In a strange twist to the storey there were no coffee cups on board the next day :o

And FYI this is actually a legitimate First aid treatment for jelly fish stings

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