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My beautiful pond

Sam Newman

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This is my beautiful little pond. I have goldfish and frogs living in it. This year there are so many frogs that at night, they go for walks around the property. I was wondering why my dog was lunging at the end of the chain, until I realised there was a frightend froggy running the gauntlet past him. My dog has probably been eating frogs every night without me knowing. I put the froggy back in the pond and told him not to go by the mean old doggy again. Weather he listens or not is up to him. I bought a solar lillypad fountain, but the flow was pathetic, so I have rigged it up to a larger pannel and now it cranks it when the sun is out. The fish play in the splashes. Neat to watch and it has been helping to keep the water cleaner for viewing the fish, wich are quite active in these summer days. The plants have grown up around the pond well now and are beginning to give good shade for the fish and frogs. The water lillys are starting to take off too. I'm loving this summer weather. There are lots of mosquito larvae for the fishies to eat, so they are getting fat and growing quite quickly. :D

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