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Collecting water in Napier


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Hi there,

I am planning on collection the water for setting up a reef tank and a sea horse tank tomorrow and was wondering if any one knows where in Napier to collect water from. I have been told the aquarium supllies it but it is filtered and was thinking that this would pull out the phytoplankton and other goodies for the fish too feed off.

Any advice apreciated


Daniel Newton

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I wouldnt be too concerned with where.

Being Napier, it is probably far better than anywhere in the Aucklands Waitemata harbour.

We took some last night from Takapuna beach. The sea was in a terrible state and a couple of us were reasonably desperate.

This was the test results:

Phos 0

Nitrate 0

Calcium 410

MG 1200

KH 8.7


Pretty much anywhere except outside a sewerage outlet!!

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I would take the aquriums filtered water if its free.

Ditto. In winter you will probaly have to get your water from them anyway as the bay turns to crud when that southerly blows. Id look at going north a bit to get away from the Port and the rivers and lets face it Napier beach is not realy an option unless you want to try and drown yourself pulling 20liter containers out. JMO


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