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Flying with fish


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I'm wanting to buy some discus up in Auckland while on holiday.I would purchase them on the day of departure.

My question is this.How much of a mission is it to transport fish by air.I live in Christchurch.Would i be able to put them on the same flight home as me?Would i get them straight after the flight or would they need to be checked by MAF for a few days etc.What are the formalities.

Do you think it would be a better sending them via courier ie. transportation cost vs safety of fish.

Does anyone know what i'm looking at to transport a box of say 8 fish?

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Carry on hand luggage or they go in the hold and you have no control over things in there (not that you have much as a plane passnger but you know what I mean :wink: ).

MAF don't come into it as it is an internal domestic flight.

A little water, lots of air, double bagged with oxygen. They are happiest travelling lying flat I was told.

Carry them in one of those cooler bags. Temperature shouldn't be a problem at this time of year anyway. Keep them with you rather than courier them.

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If your carry-on luggage is bigger than a breifcase then it will go in the hold. Since you'll need to put the fish into a chillybin they will be much too big to take as carry-on laggage.

They will fly fine. Don't inflate the bags too much, - allow for the air to expand a little as the plane pressure drops. I learned the hard way when a bad popped (even though it was double bagged) and I lost a good discus.

I've flown many times with fish. The airline usually puts the chilly bin into a big plastic bag and labels the container as live animals. Just be aware that it's possible they could get sent to the wrong place. I've had my luggage go to the wrong city before... They seem to take a bit of extra care with live animals however. I've never had a bad experience take fish on planes.

It's the best way to move fish from city to city as it minimises the time they are bagged... (try to get a direct flight - shouldn't be a problem from Auckland to Chch).

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I carried some corals from Akl to Wlg as carry on, used a small poly box (about a foot each side), the customs (or whatever they are) guys got really excited but just cause they wanted to see what they looked like, they were so disappointed when they found they just looked like brown lumps of jelly!

However I have heard of people having problems cause the rules actually say 'no live animals in the passanger compartment', but they just worked their way up the chain of command till they found someone that would let them. Most people wont willingly kill something that is sitting in front of them, so saying "do you want to kill these fish because they are going to going to die if you don't let me onto the plane with them....." works a treat.

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