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i am new to tropical fish keeping


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i am wanting to set my tank up with a few more fish at the moment i have 3 black widow tetras, approx 5 guppies.. a couple of suker fish and an orange and black tetra... i had alot more guppies and neon tetras but they all died... i have spent a fortune n fish but i keep losing them... this tank has been stable for a month now... i have a good filter system, have the light going all the time and a bubble curtain... i love the black widow tetras as they follow everything.. my guppies get pregnant but we have had no fry... help please and recommendations on what to add to my tank

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sounds like you over stocked your tank and thats why all your neons died (i have done that before as well) How many Litres is it? You might want to add some plants to help keep your tank stable and your fish will like you for it.

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Welcome to the forum. Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome section.

Would you give us a bit more information ie the size and type of tank you have, what sort of filter, do you have plants. That way we could assist you more.

Black Widow tetras are not known to be the friendliest of fish. If your guppies are dropping fry into the tank it is very likely they are either being eaten by other fish or the mother guppy herself.

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