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Feeding of clown fish


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Congrats on your first fish. Just do not over feed him/her. Once a day should be good, and only a pinch of flakes if you are using those. If you are feeding frozen food, I would suggest only a bit less than half a block. It is always a good idea to have a mixture of food. They like variety in their diet. Mine are bald enough now, and I am able to hand feed them. 8)

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My fish would be lucky to get half a block a fortnight

to be fair Pies you have a rather large copepod population! for less established tanks you have no choice but to feed more often. also depends on fish kept - some need to "graze" all day.

water turnover is irrelevant to feeding, its stocking levels, size of entire system, amount of LR, efficiency of skimmer etc that will help with removing nutrients (that can come from overfeeding)

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to be fair Pies you have a rather large copepod population! for less established tanks you have no choice but to feed more often. also depends on fish kept - some need to "graze" all day.

I also have a coral beauty and a yellow tang in the tank that shares in the food. I do not feed them frozen everyday. They will get frozen once a week or if they are were exceptionally good, twice a week. The rest of the time they will get a VERY small pinch of spirulina flakes. :D

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your point calvin? (Im asking as you quoted me then didnt make any relevant point regarding my statement) im not talking about frozen vs non-frozen food, talking about feeding in general.

my point was that 1. a well established tank will have a larger "live food" population for the fish to live on and that 2. some fish need to graze all day. all my fish get fed very infrequently (once every 2-3 days) and my rabbitfish is very skinny (too much so). im having to increase feeding rates slowly to fatten him up!

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