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surgery on fish ?? urgent!!


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You say you have spent a fortune on medication but nowhere have I seen you mention trying to find a vet and ask professional advice.

I see why you have done what you did but it is not an option I would attempt myself.

One of our members, a nurse, attempted to remove a growth on her fish's nose that was so large it prevented the fish from eating. She researched many vet manuals and talked to a vet before attempting the procedure. She also anaesthetised the fish before starting surgery. Unfortunately, in her case, the fish still died but she suspects it was because she left it too long before taking such drastic action and the fish was not strong enough to cope.

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Hi Squirt. welcome to the thread. as I said, valuable opinions in a polite way are always welcome and acceptable here . I did take people's advise, it is why I hav postd this thread, rather not if I am not seriouse. however, there is none solution given. all I can hear is 'dont cut' , as I also didnot prefer. but I really love this fish, I dont want to loss him.

you can assume I am a fish but I am not. If it happens, I assume you are humanely killed, peeled, then filletd, deep fried and served on the table with chips. Accepted???? You could not assume some thing happend, in reality, it will be never happend.

come to this way, have you ever or never killed a fish from water change, power cut, stress, community conflicts...etc. please dont tell me NEVER. or if you said you didnt abuse your fish, can you swear that you feed your fish twise a day, NEVER missed any meal. Dont tell never. Some more, do you let your dog eat your food at the same table with you, and sleep with you in your bed. too many assumes are not going to happen.

remember, animals are in their own world, they will never be treated fairly as human and never can leave as human. Human judge how their lives should be........

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You say you have spent a fortune on medication but nowhere have I seen you mention trying to find a vet and ask professional advice.

I see why you have done what you did but it is not an option I would attempt myself.

One of our members, a nurse, attempted to remove a growth on her fish's nose that was so large it prevented the fish from eating. She researched many vet manuals and talked to a vet before attempting the procedure. She also anaesthetised the fish before starting surgery. Unfortunately, in her case, the fish still died but she suspects it was because she left it too long before taking such drastic action and the fish was not strong enough to cope.

thanks Caryl.

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If this turns into a slanging match I will lock and/or remove it.

Calm down and stay on topic. Wee2 did what he/she thought needed to be done to save the fish. It was not done to be malicious or cruel.

Others may agree or disagree but it was not done without much thought and trying other options.

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Okay last note then.

You were given some advice on the first page by a qualified person.

Working in Veterinary Medicine I certainly wouldn't recommend 'gouging' out the fishes eye or the tumour. Firsty it is inhumane to do such a thing without any form of anaesthesia or pain relief, secondly- you have no idea what you are dealing with below the skins surface. There is likely to be blood vessels supplying the tumour which could result in not only extreme pain but death due to blood loss. Also how were you planning on removing the eye/tumour? In opthamology (treatment of the eye), the instruments used are very sharp which allow delicate removal of tissue without damage to the surrounding area. You would need to consider how you would stop the bleeding which chould be near to impossible- getting something to clot while in water is a little tricky!
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We all said if it need surgery take to vet or put it out of its misery. That was the advice you ignored, from many professionals(I myself am a marine biologist). When it became obvious furan wasnt working, vet should of been next. Not diy surgery.

fish n chips holds no relevance. At all to this case. You did not protect your animal or its welfare, in fact, you inflicted more damage and stress. There is obviously no point continuing this.

Caryl, in all honesty, i believe this thread should be removed before people start thinking that this carry on is acceptable to FNZAS, or worse, attempt it themselves.

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For the moment I will lock it but not remove it. I think it is important people see what has been said and done. To remove it would be burying our heads in the sand.

I do not see it as the FNZAS condoning animal cruelty and the overwhelming majority of posters disapprove of wee2's actions.

I also doubt there will be many who will attempt this themselves as pretty much everyone has said they think it was a terrible thing to do.

Please let me know how your fish gets on wee2.

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