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Power stopped working causing loss


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I have never really understood the whole filter stops fish die thing... I use to unplug my filter each night when I went to bed as it was too noisy. I never once lost a fish or saw any garsping.

I visited my parents the other day and the filter on one of the tanks had been turned off for over a week! fish still fine?

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I have never really understood the whole filter stops fish die thing... I use to unplug my filter each night when I went to bed as it was too noisy. I never once lost a fish or saw any garsping.

I visited my parents the other day and the filter on one of the tanks had been turned off for over a week! fish still fine?

Then your tank clearly still had enough oxygenation for the bioload without any filter, powerheads, airstones, etc.

With small fish or a very few medium sized fish they'll usually be fine.

Big fish? Nope, they can suffocate. Been there, done that.

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It depends on your stocking level, if your tank is lighting stocked then the surface area is enough to keep the gas exchange going, if not then you need some surface movement to increase the surface area and support the number of fish you have, it is also worse the wamer you have your tank so going to be an issue over summer. I know quite a few people who have lost some very expensive fish from relying entirely on filters for surface movement.

Regarding getting them to recover, I usually do a water change straight away with cooler water to lower the temperature and also get some good splashing going on, clean out the filter and restart it and then hope for the best.

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it wasnt my filter that stopped it was my power head i will do what you said ryan cheers.ill also put an airstone in there just to make sure it wont happen again

Then move your filter so it is breaking the surface of the water. Airstones are noisy and ugly.:)

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Then move your filter so it is breaking the surface of the water. Airstones are noisy and ugly.:)

I agree if you use your filter to disturb the surface and your power head then you have redundancy :) If you dont have a heap of power heads lying around then you have to use the airstone and you can make them look alright if you run the inline in behind things and hide the airstone..

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