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Best food for young torrents???


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Tragic news :tears:

this morning i woke up and one of the torrent was struggling to swin and slowy but surly kneeled over !!!! : :dead%fish

the other one is still happy playing in the current

So i think that it was the added stress of tank that pushed him over the edge!!!!

R.I.P Torrent number 1 :facepalm:

i need to find a friendly tank mate for my remaining torrent any ideas!??!!?



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Sorry for your loss :(

So did it die within a day of coming into captivity? Any other symptoms? How recently was the tank set up? Any medications/salt?

Ox heart is certainly handy. Torries are a laugh to watch when learning how to take food from the water column, they get the idea eventually but it takes weeks! (due to their undercut jaw and normal habit of taking food from the substrate)

I wouldn't put them with seriously aggressive fish like bandeds or giant kokopu, as they will get totally outcompeted. Should be ok with bullies, inanga etc, as long as they are similar sizes. I imagine a large bully would beat them to the food every time.

I find torries are not competitive or territorial (not aggressively so anyway) with each other or with different species.

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Yea stella within a Day!!!! :tears:

I had the tank set-up with a strong/ very fast flow for a week cycling!!! it had big rocks and a big filter!!!!!

could it be that it was quite young???? only about 3cm long??!?!?!?

Can you feed them bloodworms?

i would like to get some bigger torrents or maybe just grow this guy up ???? will he be okay by himself???



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