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Advice please...


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Hi again,

With the ongoing tank issues I am having can I please have some more advice?

Due to fish flashing and what looked like a few white speckles on rasboras, some white nodules on neons and lethargic fish (platy & Molly) on bottom of tank it looked like it could be white spot according to a pic so I've treated with temp at 29 & white spot cure at 1/2 strength because of loaches. Now not sure (so sick of this) & my remaining Dalmatian Molly seems to be bordering on whirling disease. Nose down yesterday and at surface of tank today.

Tetras no better, worse I think, other fish ok.

I did a water change today and tested water just now as follows:

PH: 7.2-7.4

Any ideas to get it lower preferably without chemicals to around 6.8-7 as tetras etc prefer it acidic?

I use oyster shell to make my very soft water harder which I know also makes water more alkaline...

Ammonia: looks pretty close to 0.

Nitrite looks about .25ppm

Nitrate however is still at around 30ppm.

Surprised nitrate so high as I do 2 water changes a week.

Could the meds I've been using make the nitrite and nitrates spike?

Thanks for any help and sorry to have to keep posting - I just want happy fish!!

Ps: I live in Glendowie, Auckland - is there a fish disease expert nearby who could look at the fish/tank and give an opinion?

Should I do another water change and start bringing temps down tomorrow?

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It looks like your tank has gone through another little cycle (with nitrite and nitrate readings) - or the filter isn't keeping up for another reason (too many fish or too much food).

Some medications seem to kill off the good bacteria that is responsible for the ammonia-nitrate cycle, but I wouldn't have thought half strength white spot cure would?

Personally I'd forget about the PH (although others might suggest you fiddle with it...). Tap water here is 7.2ish, and it is in most stores we buy our fish from too. I would just do some water changes until the little cycle is over, maybe dose with some Prime. That would deal with the water in time.

However - that still leaves the question of disease. Personally, I swear by salt, and would add between 2 and 3 grams per litre of water and see if things improve. It may be that those dalmation mollies were kept in a slightly brackish solution anyway (apparently some suppliers keep there mollies in a mild salt solution...)

Anyway - I'll make way for others to make their suggestions. I'm in Point England, as you know - so if you wanted me to cruise by sometime let me know. But I am sure there are others with better diagnosing skills who may help?

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Thanks for your replies ichtus and Caryl.

Caryl - I'll test the tap water for nitrates tomorrow although it hasn't been that dark an orange before when I've tested.

I agree too that I think I may have mucked up the cycle in my endeavour to fix my fish.

I did another water change today on both tanks, added some pimafix and am bringing the temp back to normal on the big tank. From there I will do another water change on Wed and maybe add some salt then. Not sure what else I can do for tetras other than wait and see..

Other fish are flashing less so hopefully I've helped them a bit.

I did notice today that one of the Corys in my smaller tank has a lump where the body joins the top fin... I share the nets, buckets etc for water changes so may need to observe from there as to whether to take action for a bacterial? issue.

With the pH I was concerned as I know fish such as tetras and rams like it on the acidic side and was wondering if that could be stressing the tetras and hence the white lumps?

I also read about water needing electrolytes re Molly issue but nit sure how to address this? I've had her around 18 months so wouldn't think it is a lack of salt unless it contains electrolytes??

Dilemmas... Thanks too for your offer Ichtus - I'll see how things go in the next few days and Pm you re visit if things don't improve or go downhill.

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