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Is Formalin effective & safe for loaches at 1/3 dose?


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I've had some problems with flashing, lethargy as well as a slight possible fungal infection in a couple of neon tetras.

I finished dosing with Furan as suggested but fish are still flashing and some platies and a Molly are still mainly sitting at bottom of tank with fins clamped. These are mainly pregnant females (the boy doing it died last week) so whatever it is is effecting fish with slightly weaker immune systems more which makes sense. A lot of fish still flashing though. I wondered about flukes??I rang HFF and was told it sounds like some sort of parasite bothering them but not flukes as fish not skinny and he recommended Formalin (at 1/3 dose due to my loaches and catfish).

Has anyone had any success with this and found it safe with scaleless fish?

Thanks for any help/advice to solve ongoing problem.

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Some fish are sensitive to malachite green as well. Malachite is a copper ore and although malachite green is only named after it because of the colour, many fish that are sensitive to copper are also sensitive to malachite green. for this reason many importers use acriflavine. Formalin is a solution of formaldehyde which is very toxic to humans as well so should be used with caution.

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Thanks Ichthus & Alanmin.

I've already ordered the formalin so will try this at 1/3 dose as suggested I think as something is bothering them and hope my loaches are ok with it...

Alanmin, if I use gloves and wash my hands thoroughly after will it be ok?

BTW Ichthus - I hope yr new tank set up is going well. The chain loaches are going great in my baby tank & I love the Bolivian ram's character so much I found him/her a friend and both are doing well in my 180L (not flashing like some of the fish) so thanks again :nfs:

If anyone else had more info on safety of formalin at 1/3 and loaches I'd love to hear it as I can't seem to find anything definitive online.


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Ok, have dosed tank at 1/3 strength so hope my loaches and catfish are ok :smln:

I also cut back a whole lot of plant growth to give them more room to swim. All seem ok so far... Still seeing some flashing but hoping that is the parasite saying 'what the??' and dislodging from my poor fish!

Will wait and see :cofn:

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