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Christmas Moss


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Thats right, it is beautiful and well sort after plant in many part of the world. i enjoy it very much. Just use a fish line and tie it to any part of a log or stone and it will grow every fast in two months (with good lighting, CO2 and Fertilizer).

i truly paid a heafty for the x'mas moss from a friend. to me it is worth it. It is not expensive considering some LFS sell plants at more than $50

if anyone is interested, please bid on it as i have only two lots to sell.

thanks for the comment. Cheers

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other than physical appearance, all the demands are the same.

Java moss tends to grow their strain eractically where else Christmas moss grow into a triangular shape (about 60% but more % if the X'Mas moss has good lights, CO2 and fertilizer). overall, if you were to tie it to a DW, it will follow the shape of the DW (very nice like a physical tree griowing side ways). Java Moss will do the same but will not be as nice as Christmas moss.

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how do you get it to cover the wood etc? can you get any hair grass like in trademe photo?

it is the same way anyone would tie java moss to the wood.

first determine if you want to cover all side. tie a knot on one end, spread out the moss of the surface of the wood on one side, twirl the fishing line over it many time (not need to be tied), after you finish, place the next spread of moss on the other side and do the same thing, than continue the next portion until you reach the other end of the log.

place it in the water, in a few days you will see the moss growing. it will grow long and soon cover the fishing line.

there is no need for trimming. enjoy as much as you like as the moss takes the shapes of the log. made sure that the wood is secure and try not to move its position during water change. becasue the moss grow acording to the position of your light above.

if you think you have enough and want to spread it out and cover more area.

take out the whole log, use a scissor and cut the nylon thread. cut as much as possible and put out the thread. gently pull out the lossen moss.

you will find that you have gain 3 times your initial portion. spread out again and repeat the above process.

let me know if you have other questions. Sorry, HG not available but you can get from LFS.

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HI Plantman! Yeah that Xmas moss looks kewl.

Just in realtion to the Hairgrass Buzzy was after.. I'll post some pics of the pot I got at Kings Plant Barn, it was only 12.95 for a big pot. I just tipped it out, washed off all the peat soil and stuck it in the gravel, its taking off!! I need an underwater lawn mower!!

I actually left some outside in a tub of water and its gone a bit yellow. So have stuck it in the tank, now its perking up!

So buzzy, check out the ponds section @ the LPS (local Plant shop :lol: )

Wotch this space for a pic

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Just in realtion to the Hairgrass Buzzy was after.. I'll post some pics of the pot I got at Kings Plant Barn, it was only 12.95 for a big pot.

Which Kings Plant Barn please DiverJohn? I tried the Mt Albert one a few weeks ago but they directed me to their Silverdale branch which did have some - but I wasn't about to make a special trip and haven't been up that way yet. Mt Albert don't have Bog plants unfortunately, don't have enough room was their excuse!

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some time ago, i came across mitre 10 selling hairgrass (Henderson) but have not seen it since. check out Mitre 10 in your area, you never know.

to have a lawn of hair grass is not easy as HG is a demanding one. made sure there is enough lighting (at least 1-2 watt per 4 litre of tank water), CO2 (lots but balance your PH and KH) and good root and liquid fertilizer. normally it is a slow grower but given the above condition, it may pick up.

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Hi Guys, HB is right, it was the one in botney road. When i went there was only one pot. I did post a topic about this but the plant was labelled "Eleocharis Acicularis" I had a look for it on the net and its a native american or some funny thing.. me thinks it is labelled wrong. :o

The person i was talking to said it was able to be ordered in if i wanted more. They had different grades (=prices?) I got the impression i could get cheaper pots if i was happy to have shorter grass. And at the rate its growing I could get really short stuff!! :lol:

Because I saw that alot of ppl on here want grassy type plants i actually kept the label... so i could go in and say " I want more of this..."

and heres that pic i promised


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