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Convicts with small fish


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Hi, has anyone ever had experinec with a convict with small fish?

Long story but I had a pair of Convicts - they bred, about 20 survived to about 1cm, then they bred again, and they killed the first lot to take care of the 2nd lot, at the same time there was also a green severum and a yellow severum in the tank. They also killed the yellow severum (even though it was bigger than them) and were on the way to killing the green one - so I sold them. Left the babies in with the green severum (they were tiny) - he ate them all or so I thought. Decided I wanted to try other fish so sold the green severum and thought I had an empty tank. Cleaned it out and found 2 babies (very small like 0.5cm), after cleaning the tank I put them back in and thought well if they live they live if they die they die. Since then I got 5 danios, 2 tetras, 2 gouramis, 1 paradise fish and 13 corries.

1 baby survived through all this and managed not to get eaten and is now the size of the danios.

So, my question is, since it has grown up with these dudes will it leave them alone when it gets bigger or will it kill them when its huge?

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