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Gold Spot Sailfin Pleco

izzy brown

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Hi, about a year ago I purchased a bristlenose that turned out to be a gold spot sailfin pleco. It is about 20cm long now and I am wondering how big it will grow to be and how bigger tank I will need to keep it. I love it to bits and it's really pretty. I don't want to sell it but I can't afford a huge tank to keep it in. the tank I've got it in at the moment is reasonably large (not sure of measurements). Any advice would be greatly appreciated , thanks.

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Redspots and goldspots get their names swapped around quite a bit. Redspots get much longer, goldspots up to around 25cm or so, redspots to more like 40. Both get pretty big and probably won't be happy in anything much smaller than 400+liters.

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they are a great looking pleco but unfortunately it may grow to about 30 cm (see http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/_species.php?species_id=177). In the longer term you might be better finding a new home for your gold spot and getting a proper bristlenose such as the common bristlenose or a GBA (golden black-eyed Ancistrus). They are both easy to keep and dont get much bigger than about 12 cm. You can even get long-finned bristlenoses.

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