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Discus Fry Swimming upsidedown


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We have had a few of the dark top dwelling upside down fry you describe.

However, the particular fry im talking about, is one of the largest, its a not dark color,

it looks like what an albino would look like. And its not swimming upside down at the top

of the tank. Its actually doing it at its Dads side. Then it goes and does big upside down loops

in the water. Maybe it wants to be an pilot when it grows up?

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Sometimes the fry eat to much and have trouble swimming

As the food presses on the swim bladder

They don't seem to get full like us humans, they just eat themselves to a point where it sometimes kills them

This is possibly what is happening,what are you feeding?

It also could just be something bacterial the fry have picked up from the parents or from the water

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It won't be the brineshrimp then

I find once they are on the ox heart they can go a bit stupid

Its hard to know with out seeing the fish

The fry go down hill very fast especially if they have gill flukes

They probably won't make it and there is not alot you can do at such a young age

As treating the fry at too younger age can be detrimental to there growth long term

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