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Bare Bottom tanks


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I have noticed a growing trend on RC for people to convert from DSB to barebottom tanks with very high flow and wet skimming....

Some stay with a fine sand layer for appearance, others just flick it and run "starboard" on the bottom of the tank for appearance and also to stop rockslides breacking the bottom glass.

some of these tanks have massive circulation numbers! and they all recommed skimming wet, to remove stuff before it breaks down.

none of these tanks seem to have very high fish loads and many do not have that much rock as a % of volume.

Many of the tanks looked great with DSB's so it does not seem to be a flippant decision by the tank owners.

thoughts? has anyone else noticed the increasing trend..........

most Japanese tanks seem to be BB as well.

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The original Berlin method (LR + Skimmer & no biological filters) is sand bed less.

Personally I think bare bottomed tanks look ugly.

From reading stuff by Eric Bourneman it goes in cycles. There are poeple out there who just won't leave their tank alone. Sand one week, bare bottomed the next, different skimmer every 6 months, supliments, no supliments, UV, no UV, ozone, no ozone etc etc etc.

Lots of people with acrylic tanks don't use sand beds and the look of a bare bottomed tank is better than one of a heavly scratched tank.

I read a lot, and I havn't noticed any trends, some do have BB, most don't. Havn't seen a mass exodis of people dumping their sand beds in the places I visit.


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irrelevant to filtration techniques, i agree with pies, BB is UGLY. IMO, one of the largest reasons of owning a reef tank is aesthetics - to make your tank look as close to that in a natural environment as possible - i've never seen the ocean floor made of glass :D

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I agree that in NZ I haven't seen BB except frag/breeding tanks etc, certainly not the main display tank in the house.

And I also agree that some people just don't let their tank mature in any configuration......

And having an acrylic tank, yes, no sand would be helpfull......

Personally i like the tanks where zoo's and polys etc just grow all over the bottom/glass walls etc.....

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i've never seen the ocean floor made of glass

Just to be the king of contriversy (sp?) it should be noted that 99% of the reef parts that I have dived dont have sand. Just rocks for as far as the eye can see. So sand free may be more 'realistic' than with sand, if you get what I mean?

Still sand looks good, rock doesn't. What would look good is if you had a really deep tank so could have DRB (Deep Rock Bed) so the floor of the tank was all reef rock, with sand at the bottom of that where you couldn't see it. Then the fish could swim through the bottom of the tank and corals could grow in the substrate. UBER.


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Barebottom is a good methodology, really came about as a response to research done on sand beds, and nutrient cycles they go through.

Since my tank move, the display has been sand less, and it's amazing the amount of detritus and crap which accumulates on the bottom. The only reason for no sand is really because I haven't got around to putting it in. I don't really like the look of barebottom tanks either.


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Just to be the king of contriversy (sp?) it should be noted that 99% of the reef parts that I have dived dont have sand


quite easy brian - just carefully tip it in and it sinks to the bottom :D and it's lduncan as in layton duncan, not iayton duncan - just for the record :lol: :lol: :lol:

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anyway, im going to add a bit of sand so that my fungia is a bit more at home

I know the E.Bourneman book says these corals live in sandy bottoms but I often wounder if thats typo. I have seen thousands (maybee 10s of thousands) of fungia corals in several different countries and everytime they are on the rocky reef, not once have I seen them on the sand, never. Just laying about sitting on the rocky rocks of the reef. fyi.


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