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Discus fry attaching to sponge filter


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Need some help here,

Seems the discus fry (free swimmers 3 days old) are attaching to the bottom of the

sponge filter instead of the parent. Is this ok? what should i do? Remove the sponge filter?

Wont that be bad for water quality?


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Day 3 and now they are attaching to the sponge filter?

So they have been attached to the parents for 3 days and now on the filter?

They have probably discovered the food source on the filter

If they never attached to the parents from day 1,I would be worried

The fry are attracted to dark colours and sometimes have trouble finding the parents if they don't darken

Especially red or albino fish

You can either pull the filter but you have to stay on top of water quality

or cover the filter with a white stocking then the fry should find the parents

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