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ice blue vs demasoni


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If they aren't hurting each other then just leave them be they have obviously sorted out their differences and know who is boss now.. If one fish is so sub dominant that it is cowering in the top corner of the tank on its side with half its fins missing and wounds all over it then it really lost the battle and has no and you should remove it or the victor before it is killed..

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cheers ryan how come its aggresive towards a different species like that. and ice blue doesnt have any damage but is trying to escape from dem cant see any wounds or anything

Although not the same species or genus( close though and depending on ice blues purity) they both inhabit the same sort of rockscape so will compete for the best bits.

The defender may not be the ultimate winner though and the stress of the conflict can also be enough to kill one of them so obvious wounds may not be necessary to indicate problems.

Rearranging tank breaking up existing territory can work- adding more of similar fish will also dilute aggression, assuming there aren't more Mbuna )besides e yellow) in the mix.

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