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Pair Of American Cichlids That Breed Easily?


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I'm looking for a pair of American Cichlids that are 'good parents'. Would like a challenge and preferably a pair that are attractive and interesting to watch/have good personalities. Have to fit in a 100ish Gallon tank. I have a smaller 20 gallon tank to hold fry that are produced while I find someone to take them ... :thup:

Please no Convicts but all other suggestions are welcome :D

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What are the dimensions of your 100g tank?

When you say you would like a challenge, does that mean you want a species that isn't easy to breed?

My two suggestions (without further knowing what you want) would be cuban cichlids or festivums. Hollywood has both and neither has been imported for a long time so there would be a good market for their young. Cubans would be more interactive and [probably] better parents. Almost any medium sized central american cichlid could fit your description though, jack dempseys, firemouths, sajica, green terror, possibly texas depending on the tank dimensions. What ever you choose though, I'd recommend buying a large group of young and letting the dominant couple pair off naturally rather than just picking two individuals from the shop and hoping for the best.

Ryan I wouldn't recommend jags long term for a 100g tank, males can get to over 40cm!

ps. please put your location in your profile so we know what part of the country you're in.

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Hmmm in a tank that big you could look at Nicuragians or some of the smaller fish

Chocolates and the liek will get to big

You could look for sajica or a like species and that way you coudl keep a small group as these dont get too big really

Tank that size I would suggest would even be to small for festums/severums wouldnt it

anyway you are also looking for a marketable fish and some of these fish do not have that big a market


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If you're going to breed severums at least try pick up a pair of rotkeils/redheads (and not the hybrids on trademe!). There are a few floating around, think I even saw some young at HFF Albany the other day. Could also try Acarichthys heckelii, again HFF have young so you would need to get a group and grow them out.

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Dimentions are 120L x 62H x 50W In in Tauranga. Preferably a species that would be a challenge/hard to breed that would have a market so I would be able to get rid of the young quickly.

cough cough!! with the price tag of $80-$90 for baby EBJD at the shop..it would be good to take up the changelle..

its also encourage you to learn the knowloge of the SA cross breeding species.. :spop:

I was mad about this EBJD..but i fale..just taking a break at the moment..

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The Cubans look awesome. Should I get a group of 6?? And leave them to pair off?

didnt you asked for a challenge? so you decide to grab a group of Cubans?..i mean you got to take that big challenge of getting them mature size to breed..could be a good 18 month..

good luck :thup:

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