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Marlborough Aquarium Club Meeting...


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... is today at 8a Faulkland Drive, Blenheim, 2pm.

We will be looking at photos taken on our recent combined outing to the Mapua Aquarium with the Tasman Aquarium Club and also photos from conference. Delegates will be giving a run-down on what happened over conference weekend, what was discussed, and what is hoped for in the future.

We will also be looking at this web site and showing members how to use it to its full potential. We will be navigating our way around the home page and Members' Only areas so they can see how important it is for club secretaries or treasurers to get the club capitations in ASAP. Until they are received, members will not have access to these areas. It will also be an opportunity to register our club president as, until she has done so, she won't be able to see the Members' Only areas even after her capitation has been received!

We will also be nibbling on scones, pikelets and cream plus, possibly, other goodies :spop:

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Psssstttt..... Caryl.... You are so going to have to post notice of your meetings a bit more in advance if you want them to appear on the main site :wink:

And you have to have jam with those piklets and cream !drool:

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I forgot!!! It is the secretary's job anyway so today she will get a lesson in how to do it :wink:

She is on dial-up still so does not come here very often, if at all.

Jam is a given so no need to mention it!

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