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Quick question mystery snail cold water?


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to an extent. I did some experementation with this last year when my apple snail population exploded.

They can go down to about 18C but much colder and they don't move very much as their metabolism is slowed down.

This Is also the case with water temps over about 27-28C except it speeds up their metabolism so they eat and move more but live shorter lives.

so if your room temp stays above 15C on the coldest days they will be fine.

My flat gets down to 12C or less in winter so have to keep mine in heated tanks.

Hope that helps

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put a male and female in any of my tanks with food, wait for rggs, them make sure they don't dry out/ get squashed/ fall off, then one day you';ll notice there are some broken looking parts and aslong as your fish aren't patial to a tastie snail dinner you should get babies.

The hardest part is once the eggs are hatched for me. The lids sometimes get too wet ans the water causes the eggs to slip off, but they need to be moist so don't want to move them


I let 2 egg bundles hatch and ended up with over 200 snails lol so be prepared.

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I think i remember reading that most shell degration in aquarium kept larger snails like apples, is caused from a lack of calcium in there diet and/or a natural vitimin they get from the sun, as well as they can contract a velvet like sickness that slowly eats and/or discolours the shell of the snail. I kept apples for a time and never experienced this though, but i have seen other snails in bad condition re: shells

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