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What to do..


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So i recently gave my friend a 400l tank and upgraded to an 800l for my lounge, im Loving the space, first BIG tank ive ever had, seriously considered marine but instead went for a far cheaper option of south American cichlids, hard to do and afford a marine when your studying and working (but i see this as a "in the future.." thing) its looking great so far, haven't even been able to completely cover the bottom in gravel yet, have some malerii sp? on the way too, YAY!

Anyways, my mate who has this 400l tank doesn't like the idea of setting up a little ecosystems for dwarf cichlids and smaller fish like me, he wants ONE BIG FISH. As the only large fish i ever kept was a pacu (and i understand you cant get these anymore?) i was wondering if you guys have some ideas for what the coolest readily available bigger fish I could obtain for him would be? preferably welly ways but will ship if i absolutely have to!

Any feed back would be great, Gonna post some pics of some DIY stuff i did and the new lounge tank soon!!



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you can still get pacu...

im what the wide and of the tank as i had i gaint gourami in one for five years in till i upgrade.

the tank was 1200 x600 x600 tho.and the onther fish was a red spot plec.with him as well.

had to do heaps of water changes and heavy filtration..

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Have you thought about Africans for your 800L tank? Plenty of haps can get upto 20-25cm long and you could make an amazing display with colours almost as good as a marine tank.. Plus most the fish are cheap and easy to source from breeders..

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