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Black neon losing it's stripe


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I have two black neons that seem to be losing their green stripes. It has only happened on one side and it isn't the entire stripe - there's just a black space in the middle leaving a bit of green on either edge.

If they swim in the right direction, you'd never know there was anything different about them, they eat and swim around like normal - should I be worried about them?

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It sounds like it isn't permanent, just the scales healing themselves if that's a suitable explanation.

Where I figure that from is because 2 of my killies had a scrap that I missed seeing but it looked like they had either brushed against each in the opposite direction roughly, or rolled in the gravel or against the driftwood. Each of them had a patch on the side that was white-ish where the scales had been sticking out and no killie-colour. After about 3 weeks in solitary confinement they had all healed and colour returned as normal.

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