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tank stand, wood or steel


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Hey, which do you think would the best material for a new stand. I know some of you have used steel and others wood. A lot of guys in the states use wood but I have been warned of it by some people so am leaning towards a steel stand.

What are your ideas

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it completely depends on the size of the tank and design of the stand. i would not be put off timber at all - very strong if constructed correctly.

personally (and as a rough estimate) i think up to 6 foot, timber is fine. over 6 foot perhaps start looking at steel framing. my 5 footer is timber framing with 3 x sheets of 12mm ply (36mm total) for the top then 20mm poly on that. it is so strong that when we've been rennovating (and im talking sledge hammers to knock down walls, nail guns to put up new framing etc) the water doesnt even slightly ripple (i've tested it with all pumps off!) and the fish dont even flinch!!!

i think you could *easily* go over 6 foot with timber if it were constructed properly. just look at the weight of roof structures some houses are holding up!

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There's no reason you can't use wood on a huge stand. Just takes more wood to make it.:) I'd personally go with a steel frame with wooden cladding. It may be cheaper like suphew said and the framing won't take up as much space. Mostly, just personal preference really.

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My new tank is steel framed. The reason I went for frame was for stability more than strength. The steel frame is less likley to be able to twist. Its also lighter and cheaper.

Ive seen 500 gallon tanks made from wooden stands.

Wood is easier to work with (for me as I don't know how to weld).


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thanks for the replies guys. The tank is 2.04L*700w*600H

It is being built into a wall(or rather a wall is being built around it in the lounge). I think I migh head down the steel path, I have a mate who works for a welding firm who should be able to make me a deal

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