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How do i quarantine Goldfish


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i didnt think i was gonna win it!! lol

no, these are defective gold fish. not for breeding

i bid for it, though, if i get per piece at 80 cents.

there is 140, if i feed 2 a week maybe 3, this will last me 1 year!!

so ita cheap investment, its easy to gut load gold fish:D

was gonna breed but looking at effort vs cost - this is actually very chep and easy.

if no one buys my 1200litre

im gonna rig up the 1200litre to a freshwater gold fish raising tank for my aro food:D lol

coupel of internal filters and few sponge filters should do it.

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its more fors stimulating the aro and for me:)

but yes, i load the feeder with vitamins, seems that the aro doesnt like the taste and smell at all, so the gold fish is a good vessle just once or twice a week.

im also gonna give small convicts a try - as treats.

but the aros diet is so varied anyways, im going full on with the variety of food i give it, largely for the aros benefit, variety is the spice of life.

but also i enjoy seeing the aro eat different things:D

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well, may not breed them, cheap enough to buy when people do, a bit of quarantine and done!

live food just keeps the aro aggressive and hungry. just from what i have observed, locusts are good but nothing matches fish!

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