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Hydra and fry


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I have an infestation of hydra in my fry tank. Where do they come from? The only new thing to go into the tank is some twisted val from a very reputable lfs in CHCH. I have been feeding the fry microworms, would this cause the sudden influx of hydra? Neither of my other tanks have any sign of hydra.

At what size will the fry no longer be a target for the hydra? They are around 1cm give or take 1mm either way. I'm not keen to start throwing chemicals into the water - will cleaning/scraping the glass help or will they just regenerate like some starfish?


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I have an infestation of hydra in my fry tank. Where do they come from? The only new thing to go into the tank is some twisted val from a very reputable lfs in CHCH. I have been feeding the fry microworms, would this cause the sudden influx of hydra? Neither of my other tanks have any sign of hydra.

You have new hydra, you have new plants...Sounds like a case for...


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They shouldn't come from the microworms. More likely they rode in on a plant or contaminated water. They won't generally go away if you scrape them off the glass, but that may help keep the population in check. In large populations they aren't good for most small fish. If all else fails, you can rescue the remaining fry, strip the tank and add a 1:20 bleach solution for 30 seconds to kill them off. Afterward, rinse well, etc. before putting the fry back.

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Thanks Jennifer, I wasn't blaming your microworms, they've been great and the fry love them :) ........ I'd read somewhere that a constant food source like microworms can sometimes fuel a population spike. I'll give the bleach a go. Truth be told, I'm probably overfeeding the fry - I'll try feeding them less but more often.

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