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Specific Gravity?


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Also, LTA's prefer a salinity around 1.025, lower is not so good for them

O.K. I have always keep my Specific Gravity at 1.022 to 1.023.

Red Sea Salt Mix instructions says;

Add water and stir until the Specific Gravity reading is 1.023 at 23C (S.G should be lower at higher temperatures)

So why is everyone keeping their tanks at 1.025??????????????

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i take out a contaner of tankwater every so often during a change, put it aside with the fresh seawater in another cont, and when temps are the same check my SG with hydrometer.......

no real calibration problems that way.......

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As Layton says, the salinity of sea water varies from one location to another. For instance, neither the Red Sea nor the Mediterranean is tidal and both have a high evaporation rate, therefore they are more saline than the open ocean. The Western Atlantic Ocean around the Caribbean also has a high salinity. The Dead Sea, of course, has the highest salinity of any sea in the world and no fishes can live there at all :D

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Layton is right .025 is the 'mean average' not nessessarly correct value. Lots of polls on RC etc with people typically ranging from .022 - .028.

There is a 'conspiracy theory' that many run theirs lower (.022) because they use salt mix and it uses less salt and thus saves money.

I run .025, am going with the 'average crowd' on this one.

As stated the ocean SG changes depending on location, time of year, proximity to land, temprature and depth.

Stability is probably more important than the actual value you choose.

good luck


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As it relates to anemones, BTA's will be OK with a salinity in the lower ranges. The other anemones will do better around 1.025. This is not to say there may not be some strains will tolerate lower salinities.

But as a general rule with anemones 1.025 is best.

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I have just noticed a massive difference in all of my inhabitants changing from 24 to 25.

I think it may make a difference.

Everything has spread out to maximum sizes and looks awesome!

(Except for my LTA) who is slowly recovering from that damn melafix.

(It is looking better though)


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What are you guys using to check your SG? I have one of those cheap floating things and my SG always seemed a bit on the high side (.026 - .27), Pies checked it with fancy light meter thing and found it was spot on 1.025. Really just a warning incase you are assuming your meter is right.

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