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Advice about how many fish in a school (added some photos)


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You'll have to upload some pics when they're all settled into the main tank! :spop:

I will do that :wink: It will look so cool, cause these are baby ones and my others are allready biggish, some of them are almost 5cm allready and they have those big bulky heads :thup:

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I had to shorten their quarantine time because my little heater officially packed up :facepalm: Will get a new one next time I am near hollywoods. They school very nicely with my bigger ones, my one blind little one has me a bit worried, he is completely lost, thankfully I have airwalls on both sides so he has not hit the glass yet, just sometimes get stuck between the plants. I think he is trying to swim down to scavange for food and is unable to because of the plants, so now I see to it that he eats by holding the frozen food cube near him so he can smell it and then bang he swims in to it and has a nibble, then I try again until eventually the whole cube breaks up. I do that twice a day, not sure if he will make it though he is a skinny little guy in comparison to the others, but I won't give up on him, its not his fault both his eyes were taken from him :tears:

ps. I will take pics later tonight when its darker and my kids are in bed :wink:

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I bought a school of about 10 neons early this year. As they got older I realised one was deformed and only had one eye :tears: He had trouble swimming because of his shape and kept getting stuck by the filter. I hand fed him for about a month but he eventually passed away, I think he was being picked on :dunno: Poor fishy, its so sad! I hope you have better luck with your little guy!

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I bought a school of about 10 neons early this year. As they got older I realised one was deformed and only had one eye :tears: He had trouble swimming because of his shape and kept getting stuck by the filter. I hand fed him for about a month but he eventually passed away, I think he was being picked on :dunno: Poor fishy, its so sad! I hope you have better luck with your little guy!

I have another little one that only has one eye, he seems to be doing very well, he even manages to stick with the school, its just my completely blind little one that is having a hard time. My kids named him Zombie, they love him just as dearly as I do, I sincerely hope that I can fatten him up and keep him alive. :love:

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Wonderful News :love:

I have figured out how to feed little zombie. He is eating so well right now. I watched him closely for a little while and took note at what level he favours to swim and then I took one of the jbl nova tabs and stuck them to the glass on that level. He started swimming closer and bumped into it and now he keeps on eating. Sometimes he swims away from it, but he finds his way back :happy2: I am so happy, I will put the nova tab in for him everyday in the exact same spot and then he should be able to feed himself and remember where his food is :bounce:

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I was so happy to see him eat, wanted to take a video clip to show you all, but my camera batteries are flat from leaving it on for my step by step instructions I did for the cave. I will buy batteries and take a little clip, its so heartfelt to see :love:

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Above is little Zombie :love: look how well he/she is doing. It is still a bit darker and smaller than the other fishies, but very much loved by me. I handfeed him/her every second night with brine shirmp and bloodworms and I also stick a jbl nova tab against the glass to nibble on :thup:

Below an updated pic of how the school look together too


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Wow they look really cool :thup: :hail:

BTW gorgeus tank and lovely lush plant growth !drool:

Thank you :wink:

i liked your idea so much i now have a school of 60 on order :D

It really looks very nice. I am loving my big school. You must upload pics once your fishies settled :thup:

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