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Henward, share your VIP red!


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I am training it to eat pellets at this stage.

it happily eats shrimp, though for some reason it doesnt like shrimp with shell. weird.

and freeze dried shrimp. so after giving it some food. im in the process of training it to eat pellets.

its almost there, eaten a few pieces fea days back, and bites them and starting to chew, but still a bit to go.

its a battle of will, fish or my will to break.

i find pellets makes the fish nicer and bigger. and easier to feed too when on holiday.

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well, to be honest, the black aro and jardinii ate pellets at quarantine.

this guy was fed shrimp the entire time so its hard to break them.

every forum online says that its a matter of patience and the aro will not starve itself.

at times it goes for it violently, but at times it ignores the pellets. i have seen it a few but not ever since.

i did break and give it freeze dried krill which it loves thursday last week but since then, only pellets are offered to it.

spotted metynis x3, flagtail, and the bichirs and clowns are all coming up to feed fromt he surface now, so hope this helps it eat the pellets with competition.

im determined to feed it pellets, easier and they get bulkier on it

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Henward, YOUR will is stronger than the fish's, remember that! Just starve it for 2-3 days at a time then feed it some pellets. I find it also helps to pre-soak the pellets so that they are softer - my green actually WAITS for it to soften before eating it lol. If he's hungry he'll just chow down, but then he'll wait a few minutes for the rest to soften before eating them. Be strong, it's for the fish's benefit in the long run anyway - don't give it any other treats, it'll just spoil its appetite. I'm in the process of re-training my green because I increased the frequency of the prawns and then he stopped eating pellets. Starving always works.

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ally07: how long did your green take to eat pellets?

First time round, it took nearly a week of starving.. I think it was like 5 days. It's harder on the owner's heart than it is on the fish, I reckon, lol!

pellets are so last millennium :slfg:

Maybe they would be if live insects were cheaper lol. :lol: Any chance of getting superworms in NZ? Our mealworms are so tiny... Even after pumping them up they're only about half the size of superworms.. :(

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mealworms are the same.

live food grows aros big, i know that, i have seen it first hand.

i find a variety of food

but yes, perhaps pellet training is over rated.

my rtg became a monster wtih not pellet training, prawn, prawn stuffed with pellets and locusts and mealworms.

as for pellets not being good, most if not all overseas experiences say pellets ia good supplement and gives a balanced growth, but alot of people dont do it in asia as it is expensive to feed pellets. yet they still have massive fishes.

i am considering not pellet training and just stuffing prawns like i did before.

too bad i just got a 1kg bag of hikari sticks was on sale hff albany for 75 bux lol half price.

but on the upside, i just got a fire eel that eats hikari sticks:D

i am also curious as to why pellets are not good for arowana especially red.

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Pellet just will get your fish growing faster and fat... but not good for the red color, expecailly not good the the Blue/Green Base growing. In Asian, we do not use the pellet because that is cheap food and not good for fish. In Asian, we feed centipede, criket, shrimp to red aro and those food will coloring up your fish very nice...

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