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My Convicts Spawned :D


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Well the day before the BBQ at judes, Tim (Newtman) and Anthony (Critter_Guy) came to stay at my place. When Tim arrived he took one look at my tank and said "mate did you know your convicts have spawned" To my surprise i looked into the back of a Terrocota (sp) pot and saw about a hundred small eggs of which a male was fanning. The reason i had not noticed them is mainly for the fact that i never check my community tank, I just feed them, do water changes etc and leave them be.

Anyways the day i came home from Judes BBQ I saw that half where missing, this didtn dampin my spirits as the male was still rigorasly protecting and fanning the eggs. What was strange is that the only other fish that was aloud to go into the pot and was also keeping the other fish at a distance was another male. It seemed as if they had some sought of bond and both of them where protecting the eggs.

Today i got home from my trip to Palmy, Had great fun up on the Farm (hunting, Clay Bird Shooting, Motorbike racing etc etc), I stoppped by Wet pets for a quick visit (2 hour stop :D:D) And picked up 3 female kribs and 1 male along with some other gear and peat i needed. Anyways When i arrived home I looked into my communtiy tank and what do i see?? about 40 Wrigglers, of which both males are still protecting vigourasly. Unfotunatly one of the males keeped loseing some out the front of the terrocata pot and was spending half his time retreiving them.

Personaly i really like Convicts although alot of people dont. And am very surprised they have breed considering they are only babies themselves. It appears as if i have a couple of other spawnings of the on the way. So it looks like i just found a good source of live food if not anything else :D

Cheers Shae

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Congrats Shae

I agree, convicts are pretty cool fish. They were the first fish I ever bred, and that was a really lovely experienced.

You may want to keep an eye on them though...if they have bred once, they won't stop, and soon you will haver a tank overrun with convicts!!! :D

They are fantastic parents, I have a pair that have raised fry twice, in a tank with oscars, severums, a jaguar and a large tyre track eel! Talk about a challenge.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to hijack the thread... but it seems my convicts spawned last night (I'm in sydney on business this week).. flatmate reckons >100 - I'm trying to get him to get pics for me

when/what/how much etc do you feed fry? and any hints for looking after them? tank has 2 oscars, four convicts (two of which are mum/dad) and is 370L with lots of hiding places etc.. they have the fry in a cave they dug under a huge piece of driftwood so the oscars can't get em etc.

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You should now try and feed either Microworm milk or BBS, I dont particularly like feeding crushed flake, however its better than no food. BBS are better because they swim and the fish will take more interest in them, not only the babies but the parents aswell, and once they get a tast for the BBS they will gorge themselves on it, therfore, more food, more growth. However some ppl would object to useing live food for Convicts. I think all fish should be treated the same way, i feed all my fish live food , and im also a bit biased cause i love convicts.



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