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nipped guppy fins


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Not sure if I'm posting this in the right section or not, but over the weekend I added 2 male guppies and a Betta to my 60L tank (previous ocupants were 6 male guppies and a baby GBA). All seemed to be going well and they were all happy but the next day when I went to check on them, all the guppies had big chuncks out of their gorgeous tails!! :facepalm:

At first I thought the fighter must have done it (My previous fighter was very peacefull but I had been warned some are more agressive than others), but then I saw the guppies swimming aroung nipping at each other. I've since tryed isolating the largest guppies and the fighter and there's been no more missing bits of fins! I'm still not sure who the culprit was but I'm devistated about my beautiful guppies tails being ruined. &c:ry What can I do to help them heal? How long will it take? Has anyone had there male guppies fight before or would you say it was the betta? :dunno:


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male guppies always show of to each other and fight but noting major, id say it would be the fighter , and if i was you i would not put them together again (heard of stories where a whole tank of male guppies have been killed by a pair of fighter) and they will heal just do regular waterchanges and it should heal soon

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We were told not to put fighters with guppies. What do you feed your fight though? I was watching my guy eat tonight and he seems to spit out everything I feed him. Eats flakes in the morning but when I feed brine shrimp he sucks them in thenspits them right out. I want to feed the little guy but not sure what he wants.

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Fighter has his own 24L tank now so all is well :happy2:

Put all the male guppies back together and they seem to be doing fine. Added a bit of stress coat to the tank to help things along.

I feed my fighter aqua one tropical fish flakes but I have to crush them up or else he spits it back out like you described. My fighter I had before him did that too. I'm gonna look into some special betta food for him as soon as I get paid on Thursday :D

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Your guppies should heal up fine, sounds like you have the fighter sorted now. Probably no need for stress coat (costs money) just add a bit of salt and keep the water clean (do a water change) and it should heal up ok just keep an eye out for any infections.

Re the fighters not eating I have kept fighters before and they ate anything I stuck in the tank, fish get used to what they were raised on so will prefer that over everything else until they are used to new foods. Don't rush out and buy special foods just keep feeding small amounts or starve the fish for a few days it will eventually eat what you stick in the tank, they can go weeks without food so don't worry about the fish getting harmed it is just being fussy.

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Not looking as good today :tears:

No new rips in fins but a few have started to get a bit white around the tips. I did a 50% water change but I don't know what else to do. We're moving house on Friday too so I'm really hoping the additional stress won't send them over the edge. At least I've learnt my lesson to never trust a fighter again :an!gry

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