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Tear down or get fish?


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Ho-hum... what to do?......... :tears:

it has been quite depressing since the day my last seahorse (Lele) died.

I have never had any other fish.

I am embarassed to say I've been neglecting the tank....

It was in perfect balance (what is the word? biotope?)

with the amount of food & waste from the seahorse feeding the non-photosynthetic

corals (or perhaps being filter feeders,were they also getting nutrient from frequent waterchanges?)

My suncoral grew from a mere 3polyps to a beautiful mass of them, but has been dying off and now shrunk back to a mere dozen or so polyps; the candycane also multiplied from 1 to 8 beautiful torches, but is looking very hungry now...

So, either I flick these off for someone else to nurture back to their former beauty, or I try adding a fish or 2 to get things back in balance.

I'm not sure what to try though... a clown? would a suncoral keep it happy as I don't have an anemone? (and don't have any special lighting or $ for more reefy stuff- or many fish for that matter!)

Or a chromis? or 2? a cleaner shrimp?

It is just a small 70 litre tank, but well established as it ran for years with the coral, liverock , shrimp, snails & seahorse.

I just don't know... any suggestions appreciated! :)

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