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What stock to add to tank?


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Hey guys,

I have an established moderate/heavy planted tank, that I'm still adding plants to.

It is:

385litres (120x48x60)

One 50% WC a month.

Current stock:

10 Tiger Barbs

3 Bristlenose

2 Kribs

1 Redtail Shark

1 Angel

Everyone seems happy.

What are some ideas for fish to add?

I was thinking a couple more bristlenose and eight or so corys?

What else can people think of?

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Thanks for the replies.

I'm pretty keen on keeping this low maintenance, so discus is out.

Angels aren't a bad idea, but for some reason I like to have 'one' of a fish in tank, in amongst schooling species. Still, something to consider.

If I went the corys and tiger barbs route, how many should I get for moderate stocking?

Also, is it worth having more than two kribs? i.e can you keep several, or do they get too territorial?


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