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Amazing huge amonia spike of doom.


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So if anyone has watched the news at all this week you'll know we've been getting some pretty extreme weather in certain parts of the country. I was at work when the power decided to go out and busy evacuating people (oh the excitement! :wink: ) and i think the power was out from 12.30 until about 6 and then went off again for a few more hours around 8. Obviously it was pretty dark at this point, and with one torch and no candles we couldn't do much, apart from consider how useless we'd be in a real emergency. Our ammonia measured in somewhere between 2 and 4. Super. So the swords developed this fungus, which thanks to furan 2 is already going away. We lost 4 swords and platys this morning and after the whole fighter episode and generally having no luck since we moved I am still half tempted to throw it all in and become an amazing gardener, it's not half as sad when plants die.

Anywho, it's it worth adding any salt or should I just stop stressing and let the furan do it's thing? They're in the quarantine tank and out of the terrible water now.

Hopefully everyone else around the area is having a bit more luck. I feel super stupid today and been annoyed without the internet for days (it blew up) so I haven't been able to ask any stupid questions.

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Soft acidic water helps keep ammonia less toxic, if your water is slightly alkaline it makes ammonia a lot more toxic.

You could also keep a battery powered air pump in the closet for when power goes out, stick one in your filter and bury another one under your gravel/sand

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