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can a fire eel go without food for six days....


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You could feed it less over a few weeks so it is use to not eating so much and skip days of feeding so you can eventually fast it.

Most bigger fish are able to go weeks or a month without food IMO. Ive had my fish go 1 week without food when I didn't have someone to feed them.

I don't see why the FE cant go a week without. You could try to get someone to feed it on day five to minimize the days without food.

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I have fasted my fish for 3 weeks before. No issues. The thing is that as mammals we think food is required every day, in reality meals are not everyday for fish and with different metabolisms they can endure longer periods without food like reptiles.

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I had a tyre track eel which I'd feed usually every 3rd day. He was fine on that diet and now and again he'd wait a week. Eels are pretty hardy creatures and can adapt to very harsh conditions. Their clever little burgers too. I don't think 6 days would stress it out much but it will ravage what ever you feed it after a few days wait.

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I have fasted my fish for 3 weeks before. No issues. The thing is that as mammals we think food is required every day, in reality meals are not everyday for fish and with different metabolisms they can endure longer periods without food like reptiles.

a nile crocodile can last up to a year with no food :bounce: :bounce:

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