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LFS at Rotorua/Hamilton


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HI all, I've been told there is a very nice and very good LFS at Rotorua or maybe Hamilton. Anyone know which is it (Rotorua or Hamilton) and may I have their address, please? Are they open on Monday? lol, Apologies it all question. :). I may want to make a trip over to check them out :)

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Both statements are true. Wonderworld in Rotorua in my opinion is the best shop in NZ.

I've found it varies considerably, its like once a year they buy up just about everything on the list then leave it for another 12 months. Sometimes there's an amazing selection of fresh and marines, sometimes there's not much and its all looking a bit sad.

Certainly worth a visit though if you're inthe area. Shame Goldfish Bowl in Hamilton isn't open on a Monday...

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Goldfish Bowl? Wow, that is one more to be seen then :). Pity they closed on Monday, it would be one that I'd more likely buy and not just visit. Yeah, I'd love to make a trip over to both places if all goes as plan tomorrow. I heard they have an excellent marine setup. Still depending on doctors order with my son's knee injury, apointment tomorrow morning. I can only hope for the best :).

Oh, by the way, thank you all. :)

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Goldfish Bowl is rated pretty high on my list, it may not be a big flashy looking store but it certainly sells good stuff and at the best prices (if you haven't been lately there are a few new tanks)

World of Water is good if you go after their monthly order arrives (otherwise there plants and better fish are sold out)

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