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I have never had any luck keeping more than one yellow tang or purple tang.I had a yellow and purple for a while but it turned ugly.I also wanted a sail fin but am not to game any more.I have seen them in other peoples tanks together with no problems.I have tryd to rearangeing the tank before putting another tang in but still no joy.I have read in most books that putting them together can be dangerous but i am being teased by tanks everywhere with tangs in them.

:x HELP.

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tangs look great together but you do need to put them in at the same time.

Have put groups of yellow, blue, sailfin and purple tangs in together with no probs.

The only time i did have a prob was with 8 big blue tangs, they did fight

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I guess I am really luck since I have 4 tangs in my tank at the moment. I just love tangs.

I know that my system is too small (5x2x2) for all four when full grown, but they are just little guys now (~3") and I am getting a much bigger tank in the near future, well before they are full grown.

I have a yellow, Kole, Achilles, and Powder Blue. I had to remove the powder blue for a few days when I added the last one (Achilles). Now, they've found their pecking order and get along great. :D

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