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how to stop pH swings?


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im dosing weekly with Leafzone, and there are three lights in the tank, all t8's, two of them are 30w, 36inch, one being a "sunlight" bulb which says on the packet that its good for plants, the other is the "tropical" type which again has the picture of a plant on there, and the last bulb is a 20w 23.5inch "tropical", but they do not have the Kelvin rating of what they produce. are these good enough?

i will get a gh/kh test kit today and let everyone know the results :)

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tubes are only about a month old, if that, just replaced them as the old ones were c.r.a.p.p.y ok, is the flourish excel better? will 80w do the job for a very lightly planted tank? and its only 305litre i believe, ufo 880, minus substrate, wood, rocks, etc prob about 280ish litres of water, maybe less.

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cool, im not after a heavily laden, super planted tank, i just want my plants to grow well, be healthy, and pearl if i can, :)

I didnt mean to start a argument or a feud, so ill just see how things go, the pH is starting to come back up, its 6.4 this afternoon, so I will see again how it goes, if it doesnt raise much I will add shells, which will increase the kH and with regular waterchanges should bring the pH back to a nice balance, if not ill just can the whole c02 idea and get a puppy.


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thanks Alan, given my lighting and tank size, what would be a good doseage of each product with c02?

I dont mind doing daily doses if thats possible and beneficial :)


pH - still down the bottom, will start turning off at night as of tonight and monitor the pH levels

GH - about 5ish drops (50-100ppm)

KH - 2 drops (0-50ppm)

Ammonia - 0.25ppm (but the tank is due for its weekly WC)

Still have not added shells to the tank as unable to find where I put the ones I used last time..

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ok, after turning off the c02 overnight ive done a pH reading thismorning and is B.L.U.E - top of the chart. so major swing from overnight...

I will redo the c02 to a quarter a tsp of yeast and leave it on 24hrs, add some shells today :) see if that helps it out

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